Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A Passion for Preaching

(I wrote this about a year ago and thought it would give some food for thought.- OKpreacher)

A Passion for Preaching

I have recently realized that many that claim to believe the Bible are apathetic towards the preaching of the Bible. There is an ever increasing desire to have shorter and shorter sermons. There is a greater desire to have preachers stand up and entertain a crowd then to bring forth a life changing message from God’s Word. Even among preachers there is a dying of the desire to preach. We have come up with every way to reach the lost except through the anointed expository preaching of God’s Word and we have a generation that knows less about Christ then ever before. In Mark, Jesus came as a preacher. Paul writes that the preaching of the cross is the power of God. In Acts, it was through Peter’s sermon that 3000 people were saved. The main reason preaching doesn’t effect us anymore is because we don’t expect it to. Another reason is that preachers don’t take the time to study God’s Word to get God’s Message and surrender enough to have God’s power in delivering that message. Most preachers have preached their people to sleep, transforming the pew into a bed. Preaching God’s Message isn’t enough, we must preach it in the Power of the Holy Spirit. Many preachers don’t have the time to declare God’s Word properly. The church wants them to be a counselor, an administrator, and a superstar. Where the pastor decides to be all that the church demands he has forfeited being a prophet. I long for the day when the church and the preacher gain a passion for preaching again.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Check Out These Books

(Sometimes its good to have a little laugh. Hope this does the job for you. - OKpreacher.)

- "How to Write Large Books" by Warren Peace

- "The Lion Attacked" by Claude Yarmoff

- "The Art of Archery" by Beau N. Arrow

- "Songs for Children" by Barbara Blacksheep

- "Irish Heart Surgery" by Angie O'Plasty

- "Desert Crossing" by I. Rhoda Camel

- "School Truancy" by Marcus Absent

- "I Was a Cloakroom Attendant" by Mahatma Coate

- "I Lost My Balance" by Eileen Dover and Phil Down

- "Positive Reinforcement" by Wade Ago

- "Shhh!" by Danielle Soloud

- "The Philippine Post Office" by Imelda Letter

- "Things to Do at a Party" by Bob Frapples

- "Stop Arguing" by Xavier Breath

- "Raising Mosquitos" by I. Itch

- "Mountain Climbing" by Yugo First

The Road To Revival

(I wrote this a little over a year ago. I thought it would be encouraging today. - OKpreacher)

Romans 6:11-“In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.”

In many conversations that I have had recently have rested on the issue of revival. Why do we have so little of the glory and life of Christ in the Church? I wish I could say that I’m above the church, but I can’t. After talking about revival, I am convicted about how far I am from it. In reading my quiet time yesterday, I realized my struggle and how to overcome it. Paul tells the Christian to count themselves dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Here is the secret to success. Here is the road to revival. First, count yourselves dead to sin. One major road block to revival is living for sin. I was wondering the other day why the world doesn’t look to the church for help anymore. I realized the reason is because the world is already in the church and therefore is powerless to have a voice. We have held on to our sin. Sin doesn’t stop our programs or our labors, but it does stop our power and revival. Repentance is what is needed. What is repentance? It is counting yourself dead to sin. What sin are you holding on to? Do you realize that Christ died for that sin so that you may be free? Put sin where God put it, on the cross. Surrender it and consider it dead. Now one more issue here. Paul says to consider yourself dead to the sin. Don’t think that just because you repent of sin that you still won’t struggle with sin. You alone can't put sin to death, only Christ can do that, but you are to consider yourself dead to the sin. The idea is sin may tempt and try you, but you don’t go back to it.

From repentance comes commitment. The second truth is that you must count yourself alive to God. There are two sides to this coin. Count yourselves dead to sin and count yourself alive to God. While it is true that the problem for many Christians is counting themselves alive to God without counting themselves dead to sin, some have the problem of counting themselves dead to sin without commiting themselves to God. They are two sides of the same coin. We can’t have one without the other. This is why there is so little revival. We try to have commitment without repentance and repentance without commitment. Once you realize that you are to count yourself dead to sin and alive to God you are on the road to revival.

There is one last truth that I must address. Paul writes that this counting is done “in Christ Jesus.” You can’t do either until you are trusting in Christ fully. Why do I count myself dead to sin? The reason is when Christ dead, I died through Him. My old life of living for sin was crucified through Christ. So why do I consider myself dead to sin, because I am in Christ and Christ died for me. Why do I count myself alive to God? The reason is when Christ resurrected; I received a new life in Him. In Christ, I died to sin, but that wasn’t the end of me. Through His resurrection, I have received a new life that is to be committed to God alone. The secret to success is realizing that I am in Christ by faith, therefore I truly can count myself dead to sin because of the death of Christ and alive to God through the resurrection of Christ from the dead. Repentance from sin and commitment to God in and through Christ brings true revival.

Why I Am A Southern Baptist - Part III

In my other two articles, about why I am a Southern Baptist, I dealt with the mission and the message of the Southern Baptist Convention. In this final article I want to discuss our members. The last reason that I'm a Southern Baptist is because I have connected with other believers who are Southern Baptists. From early on in my Christian development, I was discipled and supported by church members who were Southern Baptists. They impacted me for Christ. They helped me realize that the Christian life is to be lived in view of reaching people and teaching people about Christ. I can think of no people who are more loving and supportive than Southern Baptists. When there is any type of humanitarian aid that is needed Southern Baptists are normally one of the first groups there to help. This is one of the reason that I decided to be a Baptist. I wanted to be apart of a group that really loved one and ministered to people.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

"We Preach A Living Christ"

By OKpreacher

Acts 4:1-2, “The priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to Peter and John while they were speaking to the people. They were greatly disturbed because the apostles where teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead.”

We preach a living Christ. This is the foundation upon which the gospel is built. How do we know that Jesus is God’s Son? God raised Jesus from the dead. How do we know that our sins were forgiven on the cross? God raised Jesus from the dead. How do we know that those who believe in Christ will be saved? God raised Jesus from the dead. How do we know that even though we die, we will be raised into new life in Christ? God raised Jesus from the dead. The Good News of the gospel is that from death God has cause life. Not only was sin defeated at the cross, but death was defeated in that tomb when God raise Christ from the dead. Who has God the Father chosen for mankind to put their faith in? His Son, Jesus Christ whom He raised from the dead.. We killed Him through our sins, but God raised Him from the dead. He is alive and He is Lord. Therefore let’s remember we trust in and preach a living Christ.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Ann Graham Lotz On Revival

(I read this article by Ann Graham Lotz on revival and thougth you would enjoy reading it. I have copied only a small portion of it so that you can get an idea of what she is talking about. You can read the full article by clicking on "The Full Article" at the end of this section. - OKpreacher)

"The revival I long for"
by Anne Graham Lotz

"I long for…
… the wind of his Spirit to breathe calmness
into the chaos of my life.
… the fullness of his wisdom to order the thoughts in my mind.
… the sufficiency of his strength to undergird
the weakness of my body.
… the abundance of his blessing to saturate
the poverty of my spirit.
… the joy of his will to give rich pleasure to my journey.
… the refuge of his arms to shield me from my fears.
… the gentleness of his touch to reawaken the feelings of my heart.
… the compassion of his heart to enfold me and hold me close.
I long to see Jesus … again."

That’s personal revival to me! The revival I long for is not a tent meeting. It is not a series of church services designed to save the lost. It has been described as …
“Breathing the breath of God”
“God purifying his Church.”
“People saturated with God.”
“The in rush of the Spirit into a body that threatens to become a corpse.”
“A work of God’s Spirit among his own people … what we call revival is simply
New Testament Christianity, the saints getting back to normal.”

What is revival to you? Just the word, revival, can provoke images of sawdust trails, emotional outbursts, off-key singing, finger-pointing preaching, and hell-fire praying. But that’s not the personal revival that God is calling you and me to experience.

Personal revival is Jesus in you, around you, through you, under you, over you, before you, and behind you. Personal revival is just Jesus. Jesus on your mind, Jesus filling your heart, and Jesus overflowing from your lips.

So center down. Be still. Listen with the ears of your heart. Can you hear him? The still, small voice of God is calling you to see Jesus – again. He is calling you to an experience of personal revival. Here. Now. Calling you to greatness in ministry.

The Full Article

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Priority of Preaching and Prayer

(I wrote this a little over a year ago while living in Fort Worth, Texas. Now that I'm a pastor I couldn't agree with this article more. - OKpreacher)

Acts 6:4, 7 – But we will devote ourselves to prayer and the preaching ministry. So the preaching about God flourished, the number of the disciples in Jerusalem multiplied greatly, and a large group of priests became obedient to the faith.”

I was talking to a good friend the other night about my burden for the priority and passion of preaching. I live in an area that is stocked with preachers, but the priority of preaching is being lost. Also the priority of prayer in most churches in America is low to non-existent. I truly believe the reason we aren’t experiencing the power of revival in our country is because the preaching of God’s Word and the devotion to the Prayer life isn’t a priority in the pulpit and from the pulpit anymore. In Acts 6, the church comes to a crossroads. The problem is that some people are being mistreated because there aren’t enough workers. The question becomes what should the apostles do? Take time to serve the people or to focus on preaching and prayer. That was a hard choice because we all know that serving people is part of the job of any minister, but when it comes to the priority of the minister the answer is clear. They came up with a plan to elect workers, while they devoted themselves to preaching and praying. Have you ever thought about what the result of their plan was? “Disciples in Jerusalem multiplied greatly.” Here it is folks. The reason people aren’t being reached and the multitudes aren’t being discipled is because preaching and prayer are no longer a priority. The pastor wants to be a CEO, a counselor, and a friend, but first he must be devoted to preaching and prayer. In John 21, Jesus tells Peter to feed his sheep before He tells him to shepherd his sheep. I don’t know about you, but I want a pastor that has preaching and prayer as his top priorities.

He Is Here

(I wrote this about a year ago and thought it would be a good reminder that as a believer Christ promises to never leave us. -OKpreacher)

Matthew 18:20 b: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Jesus gives this promise to His followers. Jesus had told them that they were now to go to work for Him. They were to make disciples, to baptize, and to teach. They weren’t to do any of these things alone; they were to hold onto the promise that in everything they did, He would be with them. The disciples had seen for three years that Jesus was the source of their strength, He was their friend, and He was their Lord. Since Jesus was leaving for heaven what would things be like now? Jesus promises them that, He will be closer than ever before. Jesus, through His Holy Spirit is with every believer.
Just this morning I was struggling with the lack of feelings of intimacy with Christ. I was making sure that my sins were confessed and this text came to mind. I’m with you always. If we feel it or don’t feel it, He is with every one of His followers. In the morning and through the night, He is there. My greatest hope as His follower is this, My Lord never forsakes me. My prayer for you and for me is that we will become increasingly thankful for and aware of the abiding presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is with you always!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Why I Am A Southern Baptist - Part II

By: OKpreacher

The reason that I am a Southern Baptist is not only their commitment to missions, but because of their commitment to the message of Christ. As a Christian, I hold to the truth of scripture since it is God’s Word. 2 Timothy 3:16 says that all scripture is inspired by God. Therefore, I wanted to be apart of a denomination that believes that the Bible is God’s Word and that the Bible has authority for our practice of godliness. I have found such a place in the Southern Baptist Convention. As a Christian I find the Baptist Faith and Message to be very helpful in my understanding of basic Christian doctrines. I whole heartedly agree with the way that Southern Baptists view salvation. Salvation is in Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone. It is the message of Christ that compels me to be a Southern Baptist.

Thou Shalt Love Thy T.V.?

(I hope you enjoy the sarcasm of this article and are challenged by the main point. Don't allow T.V. to control your life. There are better things to do as a family than always watching T.V. - OKpreacher)

Channel 23
By: Michael Pearl

A modern Psalm taken from “The New International Unchristian Perversion.”

“The TV is my shepherd, I shall not want anything else. It maketh me to lie down on the sofa. It leadeth me away from the Scripture. It destroys my soul. It leadeth me in the paths of sex and violence for the sponsors sake, Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will enjoy the evil, for blood and sex they excite me. It’s cable and remote they comfort me. It prepares a commercial before me in the presence of my children. It anoints my head with humanism, My coveting runneth over. Surely laziness and ignorance shall follow my family all the days of our lives, and we shall dwell in the house watching TV forever.”

But don’t worry parents, as you know the TV doesn’t have any influence on the children of parents who don’t want it to influence them. That’s why the sponsors only advertise products you have already decided to buy.

Mark's Great Commission

Mark 16:15
By OKpreacher

“And then He (Jesus) told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.” NLT

Many have heard the Great Commission found in Matthew 28, but few have read and responded to the same commission as found in Mark 16:15. In giving the Great Commission, Jesus has called each of us to “Go” and “Preach.” Have you realized that as a believer in Christ you are called to preach? You may never have your own pulpit in a church, but you have a pulpit right where you are. Preaching isn’t the calling of your pastor only, it is Jesus’ calling on your life. You are to Preach! What are you to preach? The great thing is the message is simple. You are to preach the Good News of Christ. Who are you to preach to? You are to preach to everyone and everywhere. If your goal is to build you a little comfortable life to where your only job is to go to church on Sundays and leave preaching the gospel up to someone else, realize that you are living a rebellious life.

Jesus’s commission began with a calling to “Go.” Have you ever thought about what it meant to “Go?" Many have thought that going meant staying. Some thought going meant sending money so other people could go. Then there are those that were willing to obey what Christ said and they went. "Go" means "Go." You can’t stay put where you are. You must decide that you are willing to "Go" and "Preach."

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Purpose Drive Life Declaration

Today I am stepping across the line. I’m tired of waffling and I’m finished with wavering, I’ve made my choice, the verdict is in, and my decision is irrevocable. I’m going God’s way. There’s no turning back now!

I will live the rest of my life serving God’s purposes with God’s people on God’s planet for God’s glory. I will use my life to celebrate his presence, cultivate his character, participate in his family, demonstrate his love, and communicate his Word.

Since my past has been forgiven, and I have a purpose for living, and a home awaiting in heaven, I refuse to waste any more time or energy on shallow living, petty thinking, trivial talking, thoughtless doing, useless regretting, hurtful resenting, or faithless worrying. Instead I will magnify God, grow to maturity, serve in ministry, and fulfill my mission in the membership of his family.

Because this life is preparation for the next, I will value worship over wealth, “we” over “me,” character over comfort, service over status, and people over possessions, position, and pleasures. I know what matters most, and I’ll give it all I’ve got. I’ll do the best I can with what I have for Jesus Christ today.

I won’t be captivated by culture, manipulated by critics, motivated by praise, frustrated by problems, debilitated by temptation, or intimidated by the devil. I’ll keep running my race with my eyes on the goal, not the sidelines or those running by me. When times get tough, and I get tired, I won’t back up, back off, back down, back out, or backslide. I’ll just keep moving forward by God’s grace. I’m Spirit-led, purpose-driven, and mission-focused, so I cannot be bought, I will not be compromised, and I shall not quit until I finish the race.

I’m a trophy of God’s amazing grace, so I will be gracious to everyone, grateful for every day, and generous with everything God entrusts to me.

To my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I say, "However, whenever, wherever, and whatever you ask me to do, my answer in advance is yes! Wherever you lead and whatever the cost I’m ready. Anytime. Anywhere. Anyway. Whatever it takes, Lord; whatever it takes! I want to be used by you in such a way, that on that final day I’ll hear you say, 'Well done, thou good and faithful one. Come on in, and let the eternal party begin!'"

Purpose Driven Website

The Church - A Place to Heal

By Okpreacher

John 5:3-4, “Within these lay a multitude of the sick-blind, lame, and paralyzed-waiting for the moving of the water, because an angel would go down into the pool from time to time and stir up the water. Then the first one who got in after the water was stirred up recovered from whatever ailment he had.”

I have read this story many times and had never really considered why so many people that were sick, lame, blind, and paralyzed where there. They were there because they were looking for healing. The pool had been a place of healing and they wanted to be there the next time it was stirred up so they could be healed. What else would you expect if you have a place of healing? Shouldn’t it be open to those who need it most? Many times I have been to a doctor’s office and every time it was a place where sick people were welcomed. Why? What else would you expect from a person who has been trained in helping sick people get well? It seems obvious to me that if you have help for the hurting then the hurting should be allowed to come and get the help.

Unfortunately, the church today, which is to reflect the nature of the Great Physician, isn’t accepting patients anymore. To be accepted in most church now you need to look healthy and act healthy. The problem with most churches is they don’t want people with problems and therefore they miss out on the power of Christ to bring healing to these people. Not only that, but when a church decides to only reach out to the rich and healthy instead of the hurting and sick, they have rejected the mission of Christ. Christ came for the sick and brought healing. He came for the hurting and brought life. He came for the sinful and brought forgiveness. So shouldn't the church door be open and ready to receive the hurting and sick? So let's follow Christ and be a place of healing.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Why I'm A Southern Baptist - Part I


Although Southern Baptists have made many mistakes since their founding, I still chose to be a Southern Baptist. I want to explain why I as a Christian have aligned myself with the Southern Baptist Convention. The first reason that I am apart of the SBC is I agree with their mission. I believe that every Christian has a calling to fulfill the Great Commission. That means that as a Christian I am responsible for reaching and teaching the world about Christ.

Clearly with a mission that big I need help in fulfilling it. The Southern Baptist Convention realizes that the Great Commission is the calling of every believer and they have established the best strategy for helping Christians carry out their mission. From the very beginning Southern Baptist had a heart for reaching the world with the good news of Jesus Christ. I support the work of Southern Baptist through a system called the Cooperative Program. It may not sound impressive, but as a Southern Baptist, I help support over 5000 full time missionaries around the world and over 3000 missionaries in North America through the Cooperative Program. The Cooperative Program works by each Baptist church sending a percentage of their budget to the SBC to provide money and resources to those that are serving as missionaries. The goal of Southern Baptists is to provide a witness to every people group in every region of the world. I am a Southern Baptist because I believe in the Great Commission.

"The Lord's Will Was Last"

By: Bro. D

Acts 21:14 – Since he would not be persuaded, we stopped talking and simply said, “The Lord’s will be done!”

This is the last statement in the dialogue between Paul and the Christians at Caesarea. It had been revealed by the Holy Spirit that Paul would be put in prison if he went to Jerusalem. So they were trying to talk Paul out of going. It seemed like the correct thing to do. If you knew someone was in harm's way, wouldn’t you do all you could to get them out of the way? Paul wouldn’t change his course and the last statement they made was, “The Lord’s will be done!” Aren’t you surprised like I am that this was the last statement instead of the first? After all wasn’t it Christ who prayed in the garden, “Not my will, but Your (Father God’s) will be done.” Yet it was the last statement made and I believe that in the lives of many Christians today it is still the last statement made. We think we know what is best for our own lives and we skip the truth of Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding.” Many are still relying on their own understanding and therefore they complain and argue about everything that doesn’t happen just the way they think it should. There is no place in our lives for “The Lord’s will be done!” Instead, we live by “Our wills be done!” Thank God Paul didn’t surrender to them. Like the time Jesus rebuked Peter with the words, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me because you’re not thinking about God’s concerns, but man’s.” So Paul could have said to the Christians here, “You have missed what God wants to do in and through my life, because you are more concerned about my safety than about God’s will for me.” What they were doing seemed right, but it was wrong. They weren’t focused on “The Lord’s will be done!” Listen friend, the Christian life isn’t lived for safety and comfort; we live for the will of the Lord. Stop trusting in your owning understanding and return to the place where you can say above everything else, “The Lord’s will be done!”

(PS - The picture is called "Gethsemane's Prayer" by Brian Jekel and you can get it at Christ Centered Art)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Holy Spirit and His Church

(Found this article and I hope it stirs you like it stirred my heart.)
by Samuel Chadwick

The Church is the Body of Christ, and the Spirit is the Spirit of Christ. He fills the Body, directs its movements, controls its members, inspires its wisdom, supplies it's strength. He guides into truth, sanctifies its agents, and empowers for witnessing. The Spirit has never abdicated His authority nor relegated His power. Neither Pope nor Parliament, neither Conference nor Council is supreme in the Church of Christ. The Church that is man-managed instead of God-governed is doomed to failure. A ministry that is College-trained but not Spirit-filled works no miracles. The Church that multiplies committees and neglects prayer may be fussy, noisy, enterprising, but it labors in vain and spends its strength for nought. It is possible to excel in mechanics and fail in dynamic. There is a superabundance of machinery; what is wanting is power. To run an organization needs no God. Man can supply the energy, enterprise, and enthusiasm for things human. The real work of a Church depends upon the power of the Spirit. The Presence of the Spirit is vital and central to the work of the Church. Nothing else avails. Apart from Him, wisdom becomes folly, and strength weakness. The Church is called to be a "spiritual house" and a holy priesthood. Only spiritual people can be its "living stones," and only the Spirit-filled its priests.

The Church always fails at the point of self-confidence. When the Church is run on the same lines as a circus, there may be crowds, but there is no Shekinah. That is why prayer is the test of faith and the secret of power. The Spirit of God travails in the prayer-life of the soul. Miracles are the direct work of His power, and without miracles the Church cannot live. The carnal can argue, but it is the Spirit of God that convicts. Education can civilize, but it is being born of the Spirit that saves. The energy of the flesh can run bazaars, organize amusements, and raise millions; but it is the presence of the Holy Spirit that makes a Temple of the Living God. The root-trouble of the present distress is that the Church has more faith in the world and in the flesh than in the Holy Ghost, and things will get no better till we get back to His realized presence and power. The breath of the four winds would turn death into life and dry bones into mighty armies, but it only comes by PRAYER!

Thought For The Day

(I wrote this about a year ago and I thought it was a challenge we still needed to hear. Lets commit ourselves to loving each other.-Bro. D)

1 Corinthians 13:4-8a "4 Love is patient; love is kind. Love does not envy; is not boastful; is not conceited; 5 does not act improperly; is not selfish; is not provoked; does not keep a record of wrongs; 6 finds no joy in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.8 Love never ends."

The Lord really challenged me the other day and I want to share my experience because I believe that every Christian goes through this at some point. I have served as a pastor and a church member for many years in the local church and sometimes I have been so frustrated at things going on in the church that I thought about leaving. I would complain to my wife and friends about all the bad things going on there. God reminded me that the church is His bride and I need to be careful about how I talk about her. He also challenged me with, "Do you love the church where you are going?" I knew what God meant. He wasn't talking about the bricks and mortar. He meant the people. I remembered this text from 1 Corinthians and was challenged by it again. Most of us have used this to challenge us to love our spouses the right way, but now I use it to make sure I'm loving the church the right way. I was challenged by the fact that love keeps no record of wrongs. Love bears all things. Love is patient. God helped me realize that the biggest problem at my church was me not loving the church. I share this so that if you are struggling with your church, as I have in the past, that you can focus on loving the church like Christ loves you.

Biblical Advice for Bloggers

(I found this @ Keith's archives. I had to put up here for all the read.)

Biblical advice for bloggers
I've been pondering what guidance the Bible has for bloggers. What does it say about how we should blog? what we should blog about? what we read in blogs? how we relate to other bloggers and comments? Here are a few exhortations with questions to ask ourselves for starters:

1. Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your blog, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs. (Eph 4:29)
Is what comes from our blogs wholesome? Is what we are writing helpful for building others up? Or does it tear them down?

2. Blog about others as you would have them blog about you (Lk 6:31)
The golden rule. If we blog about others, do we do it with love, respect, and integrity?

3. But in your blogs set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience... (1Pet 3:15,16)
Are we consciously allowing Jesus Christ to rule over our blogs? When people disagree with us, do we respond with gentleness and respect?

4. Each one should use whatever blog he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms (1Pet 4:10)
Are we using our blogs to serve others? To encourage, stimulate, and help others? To build them up in Christ? Or to blow our own trumpet?

5. Let us therefore make every effort to blog what leads to peace and to mutual edification. (Ro 14:19)
And Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the blog of peace (Eph 4:2)

Do we make every effort to maintain peace and unity in the body of Christ? Or do we focus on what divides us? When we disagree, are we humble and gentle?

6. Accept him whose blog is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters...Let us stop blogging judgment on one another... whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves. (Ro 14 1-22)
Let us be careful not to condemn ourselves by dividing the body of Christ over disputable matters, or by judging the spiritual state of our brothers and sisters with whom we disagree.

7. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - blog about such things. (Phil4:8)