Word of Mouth

“Hiring Smiling Faces” was the job recruitment theme for McDonald’s. I always laughed when I’d see that sign, because I always thought about a bouncing head without a body serving my food. McDonald’s wasn’t trying to be funny, they were serious about hiring people that where friendly and happy. Nothing would be worse for McDonald’s business than having a grumpy person serve food. What would happen to McDonald’s if people stopped coming because they were served by a rude person? Even though McDonald’s has a good product and good advertising, the word of mouth influence would be devastating. Most companies seek to create an enjoyable experience for their customers so that they will use their mouth to promote the company.
In the same way a church’s growth is heavily dependent upon word of mouth. I know of churches that hurt people in their community, therefore, there was no positive word of mouth talk about the church. When there is no positive word of mouth talk about the church, the church is in serious trouble. I also know of churches that are reaching people and there is tons of positive word of mouth talk. Christians need to feel good about their church and to feel excited about telling other people about their church. No church is perfect, but each member needs to think about how they can promote their church and even more promote their Lord.
I believe a church should seek ways to create an enjoyable worship experience for the members of their church and the surrounding community. A church must develop positive Bible Studies and fun fellowship times. If a person leaves without a positive experience, the church witness has been hurt. Earlier I said the members need to feel good about their church, but the staff also should feel good about the church. If you’re a staff member, you can help your church grow by feeling positive about the church and what God will do.
P.S. – Thanks for all the words of encouragement. I have been on vacation and read, “Good to Great” by Jim Collins. I am currently reading, “Planting New Churches in a Postmodern Age” by Ed Stetzer.
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