Where In The World Is OKpreacher?

Church has been hard recently. I became discouraged because I just don't fit the mold of a traditional pastor in rural America. I have struggled with how to handle my calling to bring as many people as possible into Christ-likeness and the seemingly unbreakable wall called the traditional, instutional, and dying church. I have wrestled with the quesiton, can you pour "new wine" into "old wineskins"? I have been reading everything I can on leadership. I have read in the last three weeks: "Orbiting The Giant Hairball" by Gordon MacKenzie, "Revolution" by George Barna, and half of, "Good to Great" by Jim Collins. I want to be the best leader for the Lord possible.
I went on a "Walk to Emmaus". It was a great time of fellowship and worship. I was able to deal with some issues of forgiveness and bitterness that I was experiencing because of the church situation I have been dealing with. I would recommend the "walk" to anyone.
In the last month, I applied to Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. I feel called to complete a Doctor of Ministry Degree. Since I completed my MDIV in 2005, Midwestern said they excepted me, but I couldn't start until 2008.
My wife and daughter are awesome. I am a blessed man to have their encouragement and love. This last month has reminded me of this more and more.
This is my update because this blogger is back.
OK (DB)- I would love to hear more about this "Walk to Emmaus". Please give more details about this. Praying for you.
Glad to know things are looking up. You will continue to be in our prayers.
I wrote a very long post but did not show up so see if I can do it again.
As a minister I have been where you are with my people. With that happening, God always gives me a blessing among my people. For example back in May I had a student get saved and since then he comes with biblica questions, and comments of how he is witnessing to his friends. THe student is coming back with questions like: What does it mean the word became flesh? Why would cain's offering not be accepted if he gave a second offering?
Also a book that I love during this situation is Fresh Wind Fresh Fire. The issue is not so much leadership skills but prayer for people to see the power of God is bigger than tradition. I would encourage you to look for the small blessings among the people.
I will be praying for you on your Dr.
Visit with you later.
I have tried typing this three times now. basically look for the small blessing among the people. The one person who is showing they want the power of God to move them and not just traditional church.
Stay focused on your calling not the people. I know that is tough but God called you there that means He has you there for a reason.
I will be praying for you and your dr.
I have tried typing this three times now. basically look for the small blessing among the people. The one person who is showing they want the power of God to move them and not just traditional church.
Stay focused on your calling not the people. I know that is tough but God called you there that means He has you there for a reason.
I will be praying for you and your dr.
Hello OKPreacher,
Just wanted to say I am glad you are back, you are missed when you do not blog.
I realize your feelings of dismay and the frustration you experience with the church is making it difficult for you to make the difference you want in your church. You are not seeing the response you are working very hard to see. Your people are not shouting and taking the roof off the building, glorifying the Lord. Your desire is for each person to respond to God’s calling and to reach out and bring others in, not just to the church building, but to the spirit and to the full knowledge of our wonderful and awesome God.
I admire your heart’s desires to see people saved and once saved to be active serving our Lord, because He is so worthy. The question might be: Do your people see in you what you want to see in them, are you on fire for the Lord, are your knees callous from hours of prayer. Do your people see and feel your love for them, do they see your heart ach for them.
God’s call for you might be somewhere else in a different situation and setting. If you decide God needs you else where, try to know you will leave God glorified and that you have shown victory in Jesus to the people God has given you to minister.
I heard a message today about being the chosen of our Lord. We were chosen before the creation of the world, plus we were chosen at the very point that God became God. We are the chosen of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We are royalty, but the problem is we forget who our Father is and who He has created us to be. You have searched all kinds of books seeking your answer to your situation. I heard a preacher say that you first seek your answers from the Bible and then you read books to see if they line up with the Word.
I am concerned for you, your ministry, but most of all your service to our Lord. You are chosen, continue to seek your answers because the Lord said seek and you shall find. Don’t get discouraged because of the way people worship the Lord be more concern if their worship is not real. Search the scriptures for the sermons that God needs you to preach and to teach to your people. I will be praying you will never find comfort in the spiritual levels of your people. You will always want and desire more for them. I will be praying that you will be in God’s will and you will remember that you are God’s servant. As a servant the only thing you are responsible for is being obedient to your Master. Bring honor and glory to Him in all you do.
Oklahoma Preacher: I don't know exactly what you are going through, but I do know you are struggling. I can remember many times when I could barely stand watching the pain and struggle my husband went through in our churches. But he always lightened my load. He said, "God didn't call me to be successful. He called me to be faithful." May you continue to rest in Him and hear His still small voice. selahV
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