Seven Questions with OKPREACHER

My greatest passion is spending time with the Lord. I long for the moments of listening and talking with the Lord daily. I am passionate about preaching God’s Word and seeing Christians grow in their Christian walk.
2. In your opinion what is the main thing that must happen in the SBC to build momentum for Kingdom growth over the next 5 years.
We must burst our Baptist bubble. Bursting the bubble means realizing that God wants us working to build His Kingdom, not our own. Bursting the bubble means we must engage our culture and not run from it. Bursting the bubble means we realize that our goals have been too small and our focus too limited. Bursting the bubble means that we aren’t satisfied with anything less than a movement of God that transforms every person in America and in the world.
3. What are some trends that cause you concern or excitement when you consider the church?
The trend that causes me concern is that over half of the churches in the Southern Baptist are in decline. The decline doesn’t concern me as much as the attitude in those churches. Instead of changing so that there can be new growth and re-dreaming the dream. They are content with doing church as normal.
The trend that causes me excitement is the progress of the church planting movement around the world but even more in America. I believe the greatest opportunity for churches to reach new people are through church planting movements. Churches that refuse to reproduce will die.
4. If you could give one word of encouragement to every Baptist minister what would it be?
My pastor growing up was Dr. Ted Kersh. Before service one Sunday he shared with me and I now share with you, “Please God and those that please God will be pleased with you and you just can’t do much with the rest.”
5. What are some secrets to great leadership?
I wish I was a better leader. I believe most of the problems that I have faced in the churches I have served haven’t been spiritual ones, but leadership ones. I believe that seminary would be much more profitable to every minister if a third of the classes where on the Bible, a third on evangelism, and a third on leadership. If a minister can preach the Bible, lead people to Christ, and lead his church to accomplish their vision he will be successful. I am currently reading anything on leadership and thinking through how I can apply what I’m learning to leading the people in my church to new growth.
6. Over the next year what are some things you hope to accomplish and how can my readers and I be praying for you?
I want to begin working on a Doctor of Ministry Degree. Pray that I can attain a wavier so that I can start a little early. You can also be praying for me and our church because our community is going to be doing a 40 Days of Purpose Campaign starting in October. I hope to be able to lead our church to plant a satellite in our community in the next year as well. Finally, pray that I will stay fresh for the Lord.
7. Is blogging a good thing?
I believe that blogging is a wonderful thing to do as long as you are christian in all that you write, it doesn’t distract from your daily work, and it doesn’t distract from your family time.
OKpreacher is the founder of this blog and senior pastor of a rural church in West Texas. OKpreacher is also a huge Sooner Fan.
Thanks, OK Preacher, for sharing your heart. You are right on target. Keep up the good work with your blog, and God bless you!
I enjoyed your post, your heart, your focus, and your desires to serve God as you serve His people. May God give you guidance, your path has already been prepared. I will be praying for you, your family, your doctorates, and your church.
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