That Will Be A Happy Day!
I found it interesting in Judges 5:2, where the song of Deborah and Barak is recorded, how they began their song. Just to clarify, Deborah was the Judge of Israel at this time and Barak was the commander of the Army. God had led them to victory over Canaan. The song begins this way, "When leaders lead in Israel, When the people willingly offer themselves, Bless the Lord."(NKJ) Their song of praise began with giving thanks to God for the leaders in Israel finally stepping up and leading. They also gave God thanks when the people volunteered themselves for service. I know as a pastor the greatest day in the church will be the day when leaders start to lead and the volunteers start serving. Our prayer today must be, "Lord, raise up Your leaders again, raise up an army of volunteers that will serve You." When this happens, we too will have a song to sing.