Taking Christ Out Of Christmas

This year the ever growing Political Correctness War has targeted Christmas. Many stores and government agencies have made policies forbidding the use of, “Merry Christmas” by employees. To them Christmas is too limiting. Since most of our world doesn’t acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord or honor His birth, the Political Correctness people cry out “unfair”. Why should they be forced to experience a holiday that they don’t believe in? I agree with them because Christmas isn’t about Santa Clause, reindeer, or Christmas Trees. Christmas is about Christ. Why should we be surprised that the P.C. people want to take Christ out of Christmas, when Christians haven’t put Christ into Christmas? Maybe this year instead of getting mad at someone for not saying, “Merry Christmas”, you can share the reason you celebrate Christmas.

Don’t worry Christmas isn’t going anywhere because the Christmas season is extremely profitable for companies. The bottom line of our country is our economy. Our economy’s survival is built on the Christmas season. Most business gauge their success or failure for the year on how they do during Christmas. So don’t worry, Christmas isn’t going anywhere, but the question is will Christ still be apart of it.
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